Well being in ourselves, well being at school
Viata este scurta si trebuie traita cu bucurie pentru ca sunt multe lucruri care ne pot demoraliza. Zi de zi, avem multe probleme, conflicte, anxietati si situatii dificile la scoala, acasa sau la serviciu. Asadar, trebuie sa dobandim niste aptitudini. Trebuie sa ne invatam elevii modul in care acestia pot dobandi starea de bine. Daca profesorii sunt bine, si elevii se vor simti bine. Starea de bine inseamna ca individul sa fie constient de telurile si obiectivele sale, sa fie constient de potentialul sau si de calitatea relatiilor pe care le are cu alti indivizi.
Life is worth living joyful nevertheless, there are lots of things for us to make our moral down. During the day, we have lots of problems, conflicts, anxieties or difficult situations at school, home or outside. Therefore, we should strengthen our some skills. We should teach our students how to establish well being. If teachers feel good, students also will feel good. Well being means the individual is aware of his/her goals in life, awareness of his/her potential, and the quality of his/her relationship with others
- Objectives/Aims:
- to ensure for ourselves and students for meaningful life.
- to learn some skills how to say no
- to spend our times for good activities ie doing sports, jogging, taking fresh air outside.
- to try to be healthy and consume healthy nutrition
- to learn some skills about how to overcome stress, conflicts, anxiety
- to try to avoid of using smoking, alcohol or drug and substance use
- to try to avoid of using excessive of internet, mobile phone and online gaming